Austin Animal Center at overcrowding crisis point


AUSTIN, Texas — Due to overcrowding, the Austin Animal Center is seeking help with finding fosters and adopters.

As of Wednesday morning at 9 am, AAC had 299 medium/large dogs, surpassing the maximum capacity of 272.

Don Bland, Chief Animal Services Officer, said, “Our goal is to get as many medium/large dogs as possible into foster and adoptive homes in order to avoid issuing euthanasia notices.”

You can visit AAC any day from 11 am to 7 pm and if you adopt a dog, the adoption fees will be waived.

Bland added that “currently we have zero open kennels for any incoming dogs, including emergencies. We just received notification that 12 dogs from a cruelty case are on their way and we need space for them.”

Walk-in fosters are encouraged to come by anytime between 11 am and 6 pm every day this week. Those interested in fostering are being asked to keep the medium/large dog for a minimum of 2 weeks.

Austin Animal Center is providing a monetary incentive to rescue partners who can bring the dogs into their programs. Rescues can contact [email protected] for more information.