Approximately 60% of people express willingness to pay extra for products from welfare-friendly farming systems.
In Flanders, Belgium’s Dutch-speaking region, new animal-friendly labels will soon grace food packaging. Dubbed “Beter voor Dieren” (Better for Animals), these labels will signify products from companies adhering to ethical animal-raising practices for human consumption.
The Flemish Ministry of Animal Welfare hopes this initiative will prompt consumers to prioritize animal welfare in their food choices, while also highlighting producers’ methods and encouraging more ethical practices. This label aims to give an edge to producers emphasizing animal well-being in the market.
The importance of animal welfare
Recent EU surveys underscore the significance of such initiatives, with a vast majority of Europeans advocating better protection for farm animals and expressing readiness to pay more for welfare-friendly products.
Flemish Animal Welfare Minister Ben Weyts stated, “Beter voor Dieren label makes this possible and even easy,” considering its role in guiding purchasing decisions based on animal welfare. The label will appear on packaging from producers surpassing standard legal requirements, which may include actions such as minimizing animal transportation, providing higher-quality animal feed, or ensuring more spacious living conditions.
The labels will categorize producers into three tiers based on their commitment beyond basic standards. One plus sign denotes limited extra effort, two plus signs indicate increased effort, and three plus signs indicate companies going the extra mile. These labeled products will hit stores by year-end, starting with pork items, then expanding to poultry and other animal products.
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